In 2015 I happened upon an Instagram feed of a fierce, fat woman who was unapologetic about her body. She tackled topics that made me uncomfortable at times, but curious to learn more. She encouraged me, and countless others, to expand our notion of what it is to exist in the world as a fat person. That person is Corissa Enneking of Fat Girl Flow!

Corissa Enneking Of Fat Girl Flow
With an Instagram following of 200,000 and YouToube following of over 73,000 Corissa has made an impact.
While many fat activists have transitioned to phrases like fat liberation, Corissa keeps a tight grasp on body positive. She wants her unapologetic fat body on display when searches for #bodypositive populate an image feed full of thin people working out.
What Corissa does with Fat Girl Flow isn’t easy. It comes with a lot of criticism, fat shaming, and even direct threats to her safety.
Corissa continues to be fearless knowing the needed impact she’s making for fat women like me who desperately want to know we have permission to take up space in a world that tells us we’re worthless.
We need people like Corissa, who make a splash, to help change the body positive narrative.
All bodies are worthy of taking up however much space they need to comfortably exist. Everybody (and every body) is deserving of respect!
Related: The Plus Size Girl’s Guide To Setting Healthy Boundaries
Today Corissa Enneking joins the Plus Mommy Podcast to share her journey to building Fat Girl Flow. She talks about the obstacles of having a loud voice in the body positive movement and her plans for the future.
Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 61
Resources Mentioned On The Show:

Corissa Enneking is a fat activist and body positive blogger at She has a major obsession with plants, bikinis, and summer-time. Her activism focuses on providing resources for plus- size shoppers about where to purchase clothing that will fit them and make them feel incredible. You can find Corissa on Instagram @fatgirlflow and on twitter @fatgirlfreedom.
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