Talking About How Social Justice And Birth Intersect
Writer and full-spectrum doula Carrie Murphy joins the show for a thought-provoking conversation about how social justice and birth intersect. Listen in as we also tackle the pitfalls of pregnancy online support groups and examine the language we use when we talk about birth.

Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 125
Resources Mentioned On The Show:
- Use code plusmommy to get 15% off the Writing Your Birth Story course.
- Carrie’s doula website, including virtual doula services and doula mentoring.
- Articles about how social justice and birth intersect written by Carrie that we talk about during the episode – You Don’t Get To Have An Opinion About How Anyone Gives Birth. Ever. and A Baby Coming Out Of A Vagina Is A Vaginal Birth,
- Nurture by Erica ChidiBirthing Advocady Doula Trainings

Carrie Murphy is a writer, full-spectrum doula, poet, mother, partner, organizer, activist, herbalist, and lover of community. She is the author of two books of poetry and her freelance writing has appeared in or on ELLE, Glamour, Women’s Health, Healthline, and more. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and a certificate in Public Health (Maternal Child Health).
Carrie has been a doula since 2012 and is active in birth, midwifery, and doula advocacy. Body literacy, body autonomy, and reproductive justice inform all of her work in the world.
In 2020, she launched Writing Your Birth Story, an affordable, inclusive online course that helps parents write their birth stories. Find her on Instagram at @carriethedoula or @carriemurph.
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This episode is also brought to you by Plus Size Birth! Use coupon code PlusMommy to receive 20% off the My Plus Size Pregnancy Guide that covers everything you could want to know about having a plus size pregnancy.