Plus size model Kat Stroud

What It Is Like To Be Fat-Shamed By Your OBGYN

Plus size model Kat Stroud shares what it is like to be fat-shamed by your OBGYN, and how the mistreatment she experienced impacted the rest of her plus size pregnancy

plus size woman with text on image What It Is Like To Be Fat-Shamed By Your OBGYN

Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 101

Resources Mentioned On The Show:

Kat Stroud sitting with her daughter

As an eclectic and outgoing woman Kat lives a simple yet wonderful life with her husband, her daughter, and a collection of fur babies. An active member of local charity groups, a speaker for the ending of body shaming, a petite plus model, and an author having had several pieces published with Bustle, FabUPlus and mentioned in Readers Digest and Huffington Post. So when she’s not chasing her munchkin around, glitzing up the apartment for a photo-shoot, or participating in a charity drop off she can be found relaxing in front of her laptop typing away!

Kat love’s inspiring others to push their own boundaries and Helping others to find the love and appreciation for the skin they are in!

Thank You To Our Sponsor:

This episode on plus size motherhood was brought to you by Plus Size Birth! Use coupon code Plus Mommy to receive 20% off the My Plus Size Pregnancy Guide that covers everything you could want to know about having a plus size pregnancy.

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