Jen McLellan

Plus Mommy Update & Call For Help

12/12 Update: My account was finally reinstated today and cleared of all restrictions.

We need to address how social media platforms view larger bodies! ⁠Far too often plus size creators are not only reported for showing more skin because we exist in larger bodies but also bullied continuously. ⁠

I also hope my experience reminds everyone that we don’t own social media – so make sure you have contact info for those you love. ⁠I sincerely apologize to the community that this happened – I missed you all so much. ⁠

11/30 Update: I’m finally in touch with someone at Meta, and a ticket has been opened as of 11/30. But sadly, no resolution as you read this. I’ll continue to update this post.

On November 18th, I woke up to the alert below from Facebook with no access to my Facebook or Instagram communities. This includes my Plus Mommy Facebook community I’ve spent over a decade growing to 225K, over 37K on Instagram, and Plus Size Birth had over 25K on Instagram and 10K on Facebook.

Upon further discovery, I learned my Facebook cover photo for my Plus Mommy page was mass reported for something I’d NEVER DO! This is a photo I’ve had live on my page since January.


Below is the photo in question; as you can see, there’s nothing inappropriate about this image. It’s a stock photo I felt perfectly displayed my Plus Mommy brand – a plus size mom doing yoga with her daughter.

plus mommy cover photo

As a plus size creator with a large following, I get attacked often. The only other thing I can think of is I made a political post on my personal Facebook page that might’ve insight an attack against me – either way – it was reported for something it isn’t. And now, a community I’ve spent over a decade building and my family’s livelihood are at risk. 

I know the normal procedure is to file an appeal, but no matter what I do, I can’t get Facebook to send me the code to appeal or accept my form.

So, I’m doing anything I can think of to raise awareness of what is happening in hopes someone can help reinstate my communities. You can also report to Instagram that my @plusmommy and @plussizebirth accounts were removed for the wrong reason.

Thank you for reading and helping to spread the word.

Jen McLellan

[email protected]

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