plus size man running outdoors

The Journey To 300 Pounds And Running With Martinus Evans

Martinus Evans, the founder of 300 Pounds And Running, believes that fitness belongs to everyone!

300 pounds and running

300 Pounds And Running

In 2012, Martinus worked long hours on his feet selling suits. One day he walked into work and felt a sharp pain in his hip. He could hardly put weight on it.

He went to multiple doctors searching for an answer to his pain.

Finally, a doctor said he knew why Martinus was hurting.

“And I’m like, You know why? Like, is it because of a previous football injury? Because I played football in high school in college. What is it? He’s like, you’re fat. And I’m like, What?”

An argument ensued.

“I’m like, I’m gonna run a marathon. And he laughs. He’s like, you know, that’s the most dumbest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. And if you run a marathon, you’re gonna die.

This lit a fire under Martinus, and he decided on the drive home that he was going to run a marathon…that very day!

Soon he found himself falling off the treadmill for setting the speed too fast.

But he got back up.

And for the next 18 weeks, Martinus got on that treadmill until he could RUN a 5K!

And he has been running ever since.

Related: Meg Boggs Shares Her Journey To Becoming An Athlete And Author

Listen as Martinus shares his journey to starting 300 Pounds And Running. Martinus gives helpful tips for getting started with a fitness routine, explains the difference between values and goals, and so much more!

Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 147

Resources Mentioned On The Show:

  • Connect with Martinus Evans via Instagram and his 300 Pounds And Running website. On his website, you can tap into his many resources and running group.
Martinus Evans

300 Pounds And Running is a personal blog created by me, Martinus Evans. I am a straight no-chaser type of guy, who is on a journey for better health and better self. Furthermore, I’m passionate about helping people be the best that they can be.

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