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Sam’s Plus Size Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Story

Every mother has a story. Every story matters! Sam Reyes, a body positive influencer, talks about her very personal experiences surrounding plus size pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Sam’s Plus Size Pregnancy

More than one OB-GYN told Sam that she shouldn’t get pregnant because of her size. They made her feel terrible about her body and tried to extinguish her dream of becoming a mother.

After five years of trying, she became pregnant!

Sam’s plus size pregnancy and breastfeeding journeys are very relatable. For those of us who exist in larger bodies, our narratives hold common threads. From assumptions made about what our bodies are capable of to frustrations around finding clothes like plus size nursing bras.

Related: Plus Size Pregnancy Struggles And Finding Self-Love

Pregnancy and postpartum is a time in our lives that’s so exciting. It’s also a unique period that feels isolating and is full of many disappointments that most people don’t openly express. I’m thankful moms like Sam Reyes are willing to talk about their struggles and triumphs. By sharing, we learn tips and tricks that can benefit one another.

We help plus size moms to feel less alone!

Plus Size mom Breastfeeding

Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 14

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Resources Mentioned On The Show:

Sam Reyes

Sam Reyes has six-years experience in radio engaging audiences on and off the air. She recently became a new mom. Sam is learning how to navigate raising her child to be a loving and compassionate member of society as well as succeeding in her career. Her a passion to educate people on breaking societal norms of what beauty is. She believes that all bodies are beautiful and should be accepted and respected by all. Read more about Sam’s journey on her blog Kale Chips and Fat Hips. You catch her on her podcast The Mess download on iTunes or GooglePlay, new episodes drop weekly!

Thank You To Our Sponsor:

This episode was brought to you by Plus Size Birth! Use coupon code Plus Mommy to receive 20% off the My Plus Size Pregnancy Guide that covers everything you could want to know about having a plus size pregnancy.

Supporting Black Plus Size Pregnant Women - Plus Size Birth

Friday 1st of July 2022

[…] Sam’s Plus Size Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Story […]