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Lynneah’s Raw And Unfiltered Twins Plus Size Pregnancy And Birth Story

Lynneah openly shares the complex parts of pregnancy and motherhood during her twins plus size pregnancy and birth story. She openly talks about her struggles during her pregnancy with fraternal twins and experiencing postpartum depression. Her transparency will leave many feeling less alone during vulnerable times in their lives. 

plus size mom holding her twins after having a twins birth.

Twins Plus Size Pregnancy

Before we get started, it’s important to note that not all twin pregnancies and birth stories are as traumatic as what you’ll read here. But each account is valid and teaches us a lot. 

Lynneah had a panic attack when she found out that she was pregnant with twins during her first ultrasound. Aside from the twin’s dad having one distant relative with twins, there was no family history of twins on either side. 

One of the most challenging parts of being pregnant with multiples that doesn’t get discussed often is the heightened focus on potential complications. So it was especially hard for Lynneah when her providers would discuss the increased risk of miscarriage and the babies likely needing to stay in the NICU.

She wanted her pregnancy to be a time for joy and celebration. But this was such a stressful time in her life that she even considered terminating her pregnancy. And while that can be scary to open up about, and she wouldn’t change a thing now, Lynneah has found she isn’t alone in having those thoughts. 

Beyond just the reality of doubling the number of diapers and all baby necessities, there was also a shift in her maternity care plan. 

Initially, Lynneah was working with midwives, but she learned that she would be having a high-risk pregnancy and needed to work with maternity fetal specialists. Of course, she wanted whatever was best for her and her babies, but this was disappointing news. 

She immediately became educated on everything she needed to know about her twins plus size pregnancy journey. 

Related: Miranda’s Plus Size Fertility And Birth Story

As a plus size woman pregnant with twins whose mother had a history of having big babies, Lynneah was warned early on about the risk of gestational diabetes. Thankfully, this was a complication she avoided, but there was a focus on her weight gain throughout her pregnancy. 

While Lynneah started showing early on in her pregnancy, often people commented on how small she looked to be pregnant with twins. She felt this was a judgment because she’s plus size – and it hurt. 

For her, it was an early lesson that motherhood is a time when people make so many unsolicited comments and judgments.

Twenty-eight weeks into her pregnancy, her world turned upside down. 

At the end of a regular prenatal visit, her care provider noticed she looked more swollen than usual. When her OB-GYN rechecked her blood pressure, he made a face. Lynneah knew something was wrong, and that was confirmed when they brought a wheelchair into the room. 

Rushed to the hospital with her care providers having concerns about preeclampsia, Lynneah was in a state of shock. 

Twins Plus Size Birth Story

The twin’s dad arrived as they had Lynneah hooked up to monitors to make sure the babies were okay. Unfortunately, it also turned out that the wrong size blood pressure cuff was used. That’s something plus size people experience often, and it’s critical to advocate for the correct size cuff. 

Thankfully they started using the correct size cuff, but that only furthered their concerns that Lynneah had developed preeclampsia.

Once a bed opened up in labor and delivery, she was taken upstairs, hooked up to many monitors. Lynneah received a lot of medication to help lower her blood pressure and shots in her legs to help with the twin’s lung development. 

The twin’s heart rates remained stable, which was all Lynneah cared about throughout this ordeal. Everything else felt utterly overwhelming! 

Related: I Knew Something Was Wrong – A Preeclampsia Birth Story

The next day began the balancing act of keeping Lynneah’s blood pressure stable to allow the babies to continue developing before being born. Unfortunately, she also learned she couldn’t go back to work. But thankfully, her company was terrific, and she felt so supported. 

Lynneah knew she wouldn’t be leaving the hospital until the babies were born, but she didn’t know how long that would be! At first, it was incredibly hard as she spent her days alone.

After four weeks in the hospital full of monitoring, poking, and prodding to keep everyone well, she had an emergency cesarean on Labor Day, just over 32 weeks into her pregnancy. 

Sadly it took three tries to get the spinal block in Lynneah, and she couldn’t take it anymore. She begged them to put her under, but thankfully they got the spinal to work. 

And then her babies were born! She heard her daughter cry, but not her son. It felt like an eternity until her son started to cry, but he finally did. Unfortunately, the babies needed some immediate care, so they got rushed out of the room before seeing her babies. 

It took a full day before she saw her babies, but she was so in love once she did! 

plus size twins birth

Listen below to Lynneah’s twins plus size pregnancy and birth story. She also shares openly about her postpartum mental health struggles. 

Recording & Show Notes: Plus Mommy Podcast Episode 164

Transcript happily provided upon request. 

Resources Mentioned On The Show:

Lynneah twins and coffee

Lynneah is the single mama of boy-girl twins, Kendall and Caeden, and lives in the Seattle, Washington area as of March 2020. She sets out to help mamas feel empowered and confident in their lives with the mindset of helping them learn to love themselves from the ground up. She shares the raw and vulnerable side of life from motherhood to body image and mental health and hopes to inspire those around her to start pushing for a life they don’t want to run away from.

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